
Is a second audiovisual proposal that decides to capture the codes that are imprinted over time between two dancers and choreographers from different generations.

What is inherited between one gesture and another, between one body and another, between one space and another? It is proposed as a device that gives interest and importance to explore(s) in places that can problematize the notion of “border” towards different walls or surfaces, providing new references between what happens behind and in front of a wall, or before and after each space, destabilizing the notions of space-time, memory and archive in the choreographic.

What is inherited between one gesture and another, between one body and another, between one space and another? It is proposed as a device that gives interest and importance to explore(s) in places that can problematize the notion of “border” towards different walls or surfaces, providing new references between what happens behind and in front of a wall, or before and after each space, destabilizing the notions of space-time, memory and archive in the choreographic.

It is conceived as a device that gives interest and importance to exploring in places that can problematize the notion of “frontier” towards different walls or surfaces, providing new references between what happens behind and in front of a wall, or before and after each space, destabilizing the notions of space-time, memory and archive in the choreographic.

The meeting point and archive of Fronteriza was the Azotea de NAVE with the collaboration of Vicente Palma in the filming, integrating the camera as a third element. In this case, the gaze was also considered as another frontier, which shows us a liminal space between the eye and that which is looked at, and that in the same way as the wall we touch, it allows us to expand towards other perceptions that broaden the notion of choreography.

Currently, Fronteriza is a choreographic piece that is installed as a site-specific piece in the public space. It generates a crossover between the everyday and the apotropaic* through an in-situ reading of space by means of the encounter of two border-bodies in front of a wall.

In Fronteriza this notion is used as a “key” to access a body language where the ephemeral and the pre-established, the subtle and the material dialogue, putting in relation the notion of “frontier” in the temporal and spatial perception between two performers in front of a wall, ritualising the encounter and exchange of two different generations, who move, inherit and create a new space.

This proposal was premiered at TANZKONGRESS in Malacoff-Terrasse in the city of Mainz, Germany (June, 2022), with the special participation of Lila.


Contacto: Daniella Santibañez