THE FRAGILITY OF MEMORY: At the end of the 80s, Pini and Aguja play out their childhood on the pavement; land of friends, loves and first battles at siesta time. As the years go by, the days in the neighbourhood lose their innocence. When forgetfulness and frontiers are imposed, resistance is also ignited. Theatre and circus merge to narrate a story of encounters, losses and embraces in the midst of the outdoors. Two beings on their journey of growing up, searching for dreams and roots that always lead elsewhere.


Anabel González (Arg) and Rodrigo Rivera (Chile) formed the company Tallarín con Banana in 2005.
Their creations fuse circus, theatre and dance, configuring their own poetics within contemporary Latin American circus.
Latin American circus. Since then, they have toured around the world, touring festivals, street theatre
and artistic exchange and training projects in Latin American countries, Europe and South Africa.

Contacto: Rodrigo Rivera