Writing Project

This is a community performance installation that explores the act of writing and orality in unconventional spaces. The central idea is to generate performative encounters that bring us together and make us tell stories in a specific place and time using typewriters. We encourage the encounter of diverse groups, from children to the elderly, people from different countries, ethnicities, social groups and genders to open up dialogues that are as heterogeneous as possible.

This community intervention explores the act of writing in different spaces and contexts such as public squares, the street, fairs, festivals, schools and places of memory, among others.

Through the exercise of writing on typewriters, texts emerge in a free and organic way that give an account of the transit and inhabiting of different people belonging to different communities, from diverse ethnic origins, localities, ages, genders, etc.

All of them gathered in a certain date, context and place. In this way, PROJECT WRITING generates a climate of exchange and encounter between people, where they express themselves, their voices are heard and they exercise their free right of expression.

Contacto: Juan Pablo Corvalán proyectoescriturascl@gmail.com https://proyectoescritura.cl/